
Zen Investing Academy

52 ratings

Zen Investing Academy

52 ratings

Over 200 students from 15 different countries, and counting...

A quick overview of what you'll get from this course:

🚀 Build the skills needed to analyze and value a company from scratch and know whether it’s a good quality business, before you even look at the price it’s selling for

🚀 Know how to value a company with numerical models... so you know what price to pay for a company you want to buy.

🚀 Evaluate the future growth potential of a company... its competitive advantage... its management team vision... so you know whether it's a winning stock you will feel comfortable to own

🚀 Depend on yourself to make buy/ sell decisions. You know what to buy, when to buy, and you know when to hold and when to exit. You are not swayed by the news and silly comments you read online

🚀 Know the main metrics to look for when you come across any business, so you can decide whether you want to spend more time researching it or let it pass

🚀 Learn what to zoom in on and what to ignore, so you save time in your investment research and don’t waste time on companies that don’t fit your criteria

🚀 Develop pattern recognition by understanding the most common business models and competitive strengths, so you can easily classify any new business you come across into the correct bucket

🚀 Master your emotions to think like a Business Owner and Zen Master when your stocks crash, so you can stay calm and logical when everyone else around is fearful, and take advantage of crazy buying opportunities!

Who are we? And why did we decide to create this course?

We are 2 plain vanilla, ordinary retail investors from Singapore.

We manage our own money. And we have zero experience working in a fund or large money institution.

We started sharing our investment ideas and thoughts publicly on Twitter just a year ago. We did so purely out of passion and a mad obsession with stock investing.

Overtime, we started getting a ton of questions from investors in the stock market about how to grow their wealth.

Through these conversations, we saw that many people are investing in stocks, but without proper understanding of the businesses they are buying...

99% of new investors face these fears and frustrations. Can you relate to any of them?

😭 You don’t know how to analyze and value a business properly and know whether it’s a solid company that can keep growing for the next 5-10 years or not

😭 You are exposed to too much noise in the news and social media. Your emotions swing widely between fear and excitement, instead of relying on your logic to make investment decisions

😭 Even if you buy the stock of a company, you sometimes don’t even know why you’re really buying it. And your hands turn to paper when the stock drops 30% or more.

😭 You don’t know how to value the business you buy and what is the intrinsic value of the company. So when the market crashes, you sell out in fear because you have no idea how much your business is truly worth. And you end up making a loss.

😭 You have a full time job 9-5 or don’t have enough hours in a week to analyze companies too deeply. But yet you want to develop this skill of your own, so you can make your own investing decisions with confidence!

Good News!
You'll learn from 2 ordinary investors who built their wealth and achieved financial freedom from investing:


I caught the investing bug as a teenager when I was working as a cashier.

That sent me down the investing rabbit hole and I soaked up all the wisdom I could about Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and other investing greats.

The love of investing stuck with me through college and my full time job in public service. After investing for 14 years, I was able to leave my job (paying almost 6 figures) at the age of 31 to write about investing and manage my portfolio full time.


I started investing while still working full time in my 9-5 job.

As the only free time I had was on weekends, I had to get creative and develop my own mental shortcuts to analyze stocks in the shortest time. This taught me what metrics to zoom into, what to ignore, and helped me sharpen my research process.

With the correct mentors and investing strategy, I crossed my first $1 Million at the age of 29.

Here’s Exactly What You'll Discover in Each Module:

😇 Module 1: Adopting a Zen attitude, Think like a business owner, Analyzing a company’s income statement

➡️ How to think like an owner in the stock market to develop holding power

➡️ Why and how to develop a Zen-like attitude towards your investments and not get scared out of your positions

➡️ Understanding what numbers to zoom into when analyzing an income statement

➡️ Where exactly to find the crucial financial information to help you understand a business

➡️ How to evaluate whether this is a potential high quality business you want to spend more time on

🏦 Module 2: How to understand a business, key metrics to watch, how companies make money

➡️ How to understand the key elements of a business annual report and know what to focus on

➡️ Learn about how a business makes money, and where its revenue comes from

➡️ Spot patterns and trends from a company’s quarterly results, and evaluate whether it’s heading in the right direction or not

➡️ Master the different types of revenue models and how companies make money, and the pros and cons of each

📊 Module 3: Spotting patterns and trends from the financials, Calculating key ratios, quantitative analysis

➡️ Input the crucial financial numbers into a template to understand how the business is performing

➡️ Simple key ratios and formulas you must understand to evaluate a business’ strengths and ability to survive a recession

➡️ Where to find these key ratios and formulas, and how to calculate them in just a few short minutes

💰 Module 4: Valuation and intrinsic value for profitable compounders

➡️ Learn the basics of valuing a business, and what assumptions to use

➡️ Learn the different types of valuation methods, and which ones we prefer

➡️ LIVE example of how to value a business using simple formulas

🎯 Module 5: Valuation and intrinsic value for high growth loss-making companies

➡️ How to value a business that is not generating cash and earnings

➡️ LIVE example of how to find the intrinsic value of a loss-making company

➡️ What are moats and how do you identify competitive advantages of a business

➡️ 4 types of competitive advantages and how it works to defend a company against competitors

🤔 Module 6: Investor psychology, position sizing, risk management

➡️ How to size your portfolio and positions to fit your personality

➡️ How to manage risk and deal with market crashes

➡️ How much cash should you keep, and how do you determine

➡️ Psychology of what makes a great investor, and how to adopt the mindset of a Zen Master to handle volatility

➡️ Sharing on money, wealth, and achieving your own version of financial freedom

What our participants say after learning this:

“They went the extra mile to impart their investing knowledge to us… I learnt how easy it is to read an annual report of a company…”

What This Course is NOT About:

❌ This is NOT a get-rich program. We cover skill sets and mindsets only. The results and outcomes of your investments will definitely be different from ours

❌ There will NOT be any stock tips or ideas given in this class, only case studies to learn from. We teach the skills, so you can go hunt for your own food. 

❌ This is NOT an investing community and support program. We will only focus on education, and there is no post-program support and community. You are expected to be independent and a fast learner

❌ We do NOT cover banks, financial companies, dividend plays, cyclicals and commodities etc. Only high-quality compounders

❌ We do NOT cover microcaps or companies still in pre-revenue phase (biotech, mining etc.)

WHO Is This Course Most Suitable For?

✅ You want a step by step manner to analyze companies and stocks... understand their future potential... and know how to find winning stocks that can grow your wealth

✅ You are more focused on acquiring skills than results. You want to learn how to be self-reliant and know how to analyze a company from start to finish. The investment results are not your priority

✅ You don’t want to spend months analyzing a stock (because you either work full time or have other commitments). And you want to learn how to analyze a company in just a few hours, by focusing on the key metrics and knowing what to ignore

✅ You want to learn through practice and hands-on in class itself... instead of just listening to a bunch of theory and concepts (our class is 100% hands-on and you will be analyzing companies on the spot and building the muscle memory)

But This is NOT for Everyone. Do NOT Come Aboard If…

⛔️ You expect lots of hand holding and support. Like mentioned above, there is no post-program community or support. This is focused only on education.

⛔️ You are a smart alec and already know everything. This program is mainly for people who are open minded and willing to learn.

⛔️ You are NOT willing to engage and participate. We plan to make our classes fun and interactive, so you will need to turn on your cameras, do some activities, speak up, and also do some simple homework after each session. If you are unwilling, then this is unsuitable.

⛔️ You are an asshole :)

Logistics You MUST Take Note of

During these sessions, you’ll learn the main lessons on how to analyze and value a stock.

There will be some simple homework during each session, so you can immediately go analyze a real stock along with us. 

Rest assured, the homework is simple and only takes a maximum of 20-30 minutes to complete.

Most of the content and teaching will happen during the actual session. This will be a very content-packed program.

Dates of the bootcamp: 6 February to 17 February

Time of each session:

Singapore Time: 9am to 11am, Feb 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17 (Mon, Wed, & Fri)

Eastern Time: 8pm to 10pm Feb 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16 (Sun, Tues, Thurs)

Sessions: 6x live Zoom sessions

Content availability: All sessions will be recorded and made available to you forever. So if you cannot make it for any session, not an issue! You’ll still be able to catch up.

Instructors: Max & Thomas

Expectations: You are expected to turn on your video camera on Zoom and participate in the activities and discussions, to maximize the learning experience

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